Mail Stream Solutions

Direct MailRogers Printing Inc. offers several mail stream solutions that can help you to mail at the lowest postage rates possible. In addition to data hygiene and list management you can utilize Co-mail, Co-mingling or Co-palletization, and benefit from a reduction in your mailing costs while increasing the return on your direct mail investment.

The terms Co-mail, Co-mingling and Co-palletization are often confused. To help you understand how each solution may benefit your business, we offer a brief explanation of each service.

If you would like a Mail Stream Solution analysis, please contact your Business Development Representative or Marylou Peterman, Business Development Manager at 800-622-5591 or email at

What is Co-mail?

Co-Mail is the process of combining and presorting two or more catalog or magazine titles into a single mail stream. This process creates additional postal efficiencies by maximizing the USPS' delivery sortation characteristics, which can reduce a mailer's postage costs in addition to decreasing the number of times mail pieces are handled. There are quantity requirements and size and weight limitations.

What is Co-mingling?

Co-mingling allows mailers to combine smaller volume mail streams or individual mail pieces, as few as 25, into one larger mailing. The USPS has automation discount structures and qualification amounts based on specific numbers of mail pieces per zip code. In some cases a mailer may not be able to qualify for postal discounts for all or a portion of his mailing because the quantity per zip code doesn't meet the standard. By co-mingling individual pieces from different mailers together, all the mailers will receive the benefits of meeting the qualification amount and thereby qualifying for postage discounts. There are no volume restrictions for co-mingling. Rate classes that qualify for co-mingling are First Class Letters and Flats and Standard Class Letters and Flats.

What is Co-palletization?

Co-palletization of Standard Mail letter trays takes the physical trays of mail, which have already been addressed, presorted and trayed, and puts them onto pallets along with other trayed mail of separate jobs. This allows mailers to have their mail entered deeper into the mail stream and receive Destination Entry Discounts from the USPS. In addition, in-home delivery is improved.